Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Twelve Friends of Christmas One

So, for the next twelve days I will hold myself to writing about a friend being thought of this season with fondness and thanks.

Today's guest star is Claire Wasserman.  There is never an end to the good things I can say about Claire.  Whenever I see a violin, a duck, Arabic culture, African culture, new adventures, I <3 Oregon paraphernalia, tea, clay sculptures, and a multitude of everyday nature I am reminded of her and some story we have (I usually lose the game as well).

In terms of unique people I know she is at the top.  She travels.  She speaks three languages.  She is as fascinated about cultures as I am.  Studied abroad in Jordan and in Senegal.  Attending Lewis and Clark University.  A veritable genius of kindness, reasoning, and learning.

I miss her banter.  Making pizzas.  Huge piles of people watching movies at her house.  Watching the sunset with her and Amanda in her backyard.  Holidays.  Our "Save the Whales" project sophomore year in Sherrill's class.  She has saved my life several times.  Physically.  Socially.  She still helps me find my identity and how I'm oriented in this life.  I love her dearly and consider seeing her to be one of the greatest gifts this season will bring me.

الحمد لله


  1. Dang it!
    Also, save the krill, kill the whales.

  2. this brought tears to my eyes. I love you.

  3. We are the best of friends. Love both of you.
