I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, the most romantic thing I can think of right now is something along the lines of, "For now darling we must stand strong in the angry flames and endure the choices which coerced us there, but someday we shall be free. Whether our freedom is a heaven or a hell doesn't matter, because we'll be there together. So, you and me babe, how about it?" (I have a lot of songs going through my head right now)
The summer Institute class is "Preparing for a Celestial Marriage." This is often quite boring for me because...well I will gone in two weeks, I won't be married for quite some time once I return, and the boy to girl ratio is never quite right. But this evening's lesson was about finding an eternal companion and it was kinda fun. We talked about what we looked for in a companion and after a while of hearing the same old trusting and goal-oriented and spiritual and oh so many cliches I decided to suggest a heart-melter. I said, "I want someone with a beautiful smile that I get to see all the time because I can make her laugh." I received chorused "ahhhs" from the girls. But thinking about it seriously, I really do mean that. The only two physical traits that I have seen as beautiful in an 80 year-old as an 18 year-old are their smile and their eyes. They just seem to never fade in a person who is truly beautiful. And if I can make someone laugh honest, gut-wrenching, boistrous laughter, it means we share a sense of humor and can get along most of the time. That means a lot to me.
Tonight, I also had the chance to play volleyball with a bunch of strangers. Some of the girls we played with, particularly these two gals, were quite attractive. Like really attractive. It was surprisingly nice to see and play with and flirt with two complete strangers I'll never see again.
On an important note, at least to me, I kissed a girl yesterday. It was quite nice. I won't see her again for over two years. I also just realized that she is the last person I'll kiss for the time period.
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