Monday, February 2, 2009


My father just sent me an e-mail. He does not do this very often, so when he does I usually enjoy whatever he has to say. My parents' anniversary is Groundhog's Day, so they were married today, 29 years ago. They chose the day because it helps them remember what day it is, because it is a holiday, but not a very important one, so it will never be overlooked by other holidays. Also, it shortly precedes Valentine's Day, meaning they can save money by doing something special two weeks early. The e-mail simply talked about the week of their marriage. My dad drove from Provo, Utah, where he was attending school, to Boise, Idaho so they could be married in the Boise, Idaho temple. Well, his little car did not have an accurate speedometer. He had planned on getting to the temple early and being able to walk around with his bride. When he thought he was going 60 mph, he was actually going 45...but he made it to the temple on time (kinda) and walked in about 5 minutes early, but he didn't have his temple clothes on. Anyway, they got married.

This was a story I had never heard before. He told others in the e-mail, but I thought this was the most entertaining. Especially because my father has an obsession with starting on time and showing up early.

I love my parents. They have had a very colorful relationship over the years, but everything turned out in the end, every time. They almost divorced when I was about 8 years old, but a miracle happened and it kept them together long enough for my dad to change. His personality did not change, but he changed why he did what he did and he changed what he did. He loved her, but she never could notice. So now, when he wants to say "I love you," he vacuums or does the dishes. He was angry for years, because of his past, his father, and it was a release, but he changed over the years to accept what life gave him, to not sweat the small stuff, and stop being angry for the sake of anger. He is not the man my mother married, but he is the man she wanted to. She was always the gal of his dreams and still is. They have not had the happiest marriage, but they have had one of the best and involved and healthiest relationships I know of, because they support each other and do things together still (hikes and choir) and still love each other. Physical romance is less often, but lust and communication and love still abound between them. They still have dreams together and I think that's the best thing a couple can do.

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